“It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being authentic.”

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”

“Life is too short to waste time on negativity.”

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

“Smile, it’s contagious.”

“Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff everywhere.”

“You are enough, just as you are.”

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” “Happiness is a choice, choose it every day.”

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.”

“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.”

“Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.” MCLOVIN QUOTES SUPERBAD

“Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.”

“It’s not about who is real to your face, it’s about who stays real behind your back.”

“Be a good person, but don’t waste time proving it.”

“Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter ”

“Your attitude determines your direction.”

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

“Stay humble, work hard, be kind.”

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.”

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.”