“Eating veggies makes you strong, eating meat just feels wrong.”

“The only thing worse than meat is the guilt that comes with it.”

“Eating vegetables is a joy, consuming meat feels like a ploy.”

“Veggies for the win, meat is just a sin.”

“Choose veggies, not corpses.”

“There’s nothing more satisfying than a plate full of colorful vegetables.”

“Real men eat plants, not animals.”

“Eating plants is good for your body, eating animals is bad for the planet.”

“Vegetables are the food of life, meat is just a source of strife.” “Vegans are powered by plants, while meat-eaters are fueled by cruelty.”

“Choose kindness over cruelty, choose vegetables over meat.”

“Eating veggies is a celebration of life, eating meat is a symbol of death.”

“Vegans are not just saving animals, they’re saving the planet too.” VENGEANCE QUOTE

“Animals are friends, not food.”

“Eat your veggies and live longer, eat meat and die faster.”

“Veggies are the key to a healthy life, meat is just a shortcut to an early grave.”

“Vegans are the future, meat-eaters are stuck in the past.”

“Eating veggies is a form of self-love, eating meat is a form of self-destruction.”

“Real men eat plants, weaklings eat meat.”

“Vegans have compassion, meat-eaters have cruelty.”

“Vegetables are the true heroes of the food world.”

“Eating vegetables is a way to show respect for all living beings.”

“Eating meat is a form of violence towards animals.”

“Vegans are not just saving their own health, they’re saving the health of the planet too.”