“I pray for the strength to handle all that God has in store for me.”

“Every person is a unique and irreplaceable jewel of God’s creation.”

“We are all called to be saints. Don’t miss the opportunity.”

“Let us live simply so that others may simply live.”

“We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves.”

“The greatest gift we can give each other is love.”

“God always gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want.”

“I am thankful for the challenges in my life, for they have made me stronger.”

“Our differences make us beautiful, not divided.” “Walk in faith, knowing that God is guiding your steps.”

“I am a beloved child of God, worthy of love and respect.”

“Let your light shine so brightly that others cannot help but be inspired.”

“The world may try to bring you down, but God will always lift you up.” QUOTES ON LONGING

“True joy comes from serving others with a loving heart.”

“It is through our struggles that we find our strength.”

“God’s love is like a never-ending ocean, always washing over us.”

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

“Let go of fear and embrace faith.”

“Our faith is our anchor in the stormy sea of life.”

“Pray without ceasing, for God hears every word.”

“Seek God in all things, and you will find Him.”

“Our purpose in life is to love and be loved.”

“God’s mercy knows no bounds, so why should ours?”

“I am a work in progress, but God isn’t finished with me yet.”