“Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and lying destroys that trust.”

“If you want to keep me in your life, don’t lie to me.”

“Honesty is the key to a strong and lasting relationship.”

“Lies may temporarily cover up the truth, but they always come back to haunt you.”

“I would rather hear the painful truth than be comforted with a reassuring lie.”

“Lying is a betrayal of trust, and without trust, a relationship cannot survive.”

“The truth may hurt, but lies destroy everything.”

“Don’t lie to me, because the truth will always come out.”

“Lies only create distance in a relationship, while honesty brings two people closer together.” “If you lie to me, you are showing me that you don’t respect or value our relationship.”

“A relationship built on lies is bound to crumble.”

“Lies poison the well of love and trust in a relationship.”

“I would rather be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie.” ICONIC KOE WETZEL QUOTES

“Don’t lie to me, because once trust is broken, it’s hard to repair.”

“Lies may seem like a quick fix, but they always have lasting consequences in a relationship.”

“Lying is the ultimate betrayal in a relationship.”

“If you truly care about me, don’t lie to me.”

“Honesty is the best policy in any relationship.”

“Lies only serve to erode the foundation of a relationship.”

“I can forgive a lot of things, but lying is not one of them.”

“Don’t lie to me, because the truth will always set us free.”

“A relationship without honesty is doomed to fail.”

“Lies may provide temporary relief, but they always lead to long-term pain.”

“If you lie to me, you are lying to yourself about the strength of our relationship.”