“I never expected to be so disappointed in someone I trusted so much.”

“I thought we had something special, but I guess I was wrong.”

“Disappointment is when you realize that the person you thought would never hurt you, did.”

“I gave you my heart, but all you gave me was disappointment.”

“I was foolish to believe that you would never let me down.”

“I never knew love could bring so much pain and disappointment.”

“You promised to always be there for me, but you were the one who left me feeling so disappointed.”

“I built my world around you, only to be met with disappointment.”

“I thought we were meant to be, but now all I feel is disappointment.” “It hurts to realize that the person you loved the most is the one causing you the most disappointment.”

“I miss the person I thought you were, not the one who disappointed me.”

“Disappointment in love is inevitable, but it still hurts like hell.”

“You were my everything, but all I got in return was disappointment.” DISNEY QUOTES ABOUT ADVENTURE

“I deserve better than the disappointment you brought into my life.”

“My heart is heavy with disappointment from loving you.”

“I never thought I could be so disappointed in someone I loved so deeply.”

“You shattered my trust and left me drowning in disappointment.”

“I thought we were meant to be together, but now all I see is disappointment.”

“I never thought love would leave me feeling so disappointed.”

“The disappointment in our relationship is too much to bear.”

“I invested so much in you, only to be met with disappointment.”

“I feel like a fool for believing in us when all I got was disappointment.”

“Your betrayal filled me with disappointment I never knew was possible.”

“I forgive you for what you did, but the disappointment will always linger in my heart.”