“Sorry I’m late, I was too busy avoiding eye contact with people in public.”

“Me: *takes a 5-minute power nap* Also me: Wow, I’m so productive today!”

“I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop making me angry.”

“If procrastination was a sport, I’d probably still find a way to be late for it.”

“Sleeping is my drug, my bed is my dealer, and my alarm clock is the police.”

“The most exercise I get is running out of excuses.”

“I constantly struggle between ‘I can save money’ and ‘treat yo self.'”

“I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.”

“I spend more time singing in the shower than I do actually showering.” “I wish my bank account refilled as fast as my stress levels do.”

“If there was an award for laziness, I’d probably send someone else to pick it up for me.”

“My ability to remember song lyrics is directly proportional to how embarrassing it would be if someone heard me singing them.”

“I don’t always talk to myself, but when I do, I prefer to do it in public so people think I have friends.” THANK YOU UNIVERSE QUOTES

“Notes app: Where I have all my important thoughts and forgotten passwords in one chaotic mess.”

“Netflix: Are you still watching? Me: Are you still judging?”

“I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode.”

“I might be addicted to memes, but at least I’m not on drugs… yet.”

“At this point, my hobbies include overthinking and canceling plans last minute.”

“I’m not clumsy, I’m just physically challenged by walls and random objects.”

“I wish my bank account was as full as my laundry basket after a shopping spree.”

“If my life had a background song, it would probably be the ‘Jeopardy’ theme.”

“My cell phone battery lives a more fulfilling life than I do.”

“My idea of a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.”

“I’ve reached the age where happy hour is a nap.”