“August is like the Sunday of summer.”

“August: when the heat makes you question if it’s even worth it to wear clothes.”

“August is the month when you realize that you’re already halfway through your summer body diet and it’s too late to start now.”

“August is the month that officially marks the end of my summer body, bring on the pumpkin spice lattes.”

“August is the month where all my summer plans went out the window and I’m just trying to survive until September.”

“August is that time of year when you’re simultaneously sweating and freezing, and you have no idea how to dress appropriately.”

“In August, I start counting down the days until I can wear my cozy sweaters again.”

“August is that awkward in-between month that’s basically a countdown to fall.”

“August is the month where I start questioning all of my life choices that led me to this point.” “August: where every day feels like a Monday.”

“August is the month where I reach peak levels of laziness and just fully embrace it.”

“August is the month where I realize that I’ve spent more money on ice cream than I have on groceries.”

“August is the month where I try to convince myself that I can still salvage my summer tan.” QUOTES FROM BUGS BUNNY

“August is the month where I become a professional at avoiding all responsibilities.”

“August: the month where I convince myself that I can still accomplish all of my summer goals in the last few weeks.”

“August is the month where I start to seriously question why I ever thought it was a good idea to live in a place with such extreme weather.”

“August: the month where I become an expert at the art of doing absolutely nothing.”

“August is the time of year when I become a human puddle of sweat.”

“August is like the Monday of summer, but with way more humidity.”

“August is the month where I start to look forward to the end of summer just so I can stop sweating.”

“August is the time when I start to wonder if it’s socially acceptable to wear my pajamas all day, every day.”

“August is the month where I realize that my beach body is just not gonna happen this year.”

“August: the month where I spend more time trying to find the perfect air conditioning temperature than actually doing anything productive.”

“August is the month where I become a pro at pretending like I’m okay with the fact that summer is almost over.”