“Life is like a rollercoaster, and sometimes it’s better to scream than to enjoy the ride.”

“The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.”

“Sometimes the wrong choices take us to the right places.”

“In a world of madness, only the insane are truly sane.”

“Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes the beholder’s eyes are twisted.”

“Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole damn zoo when I’m with you.”

“Sometimes the greatest demons are the ones we create in our own minds.”

“In the realm of twisted minds, reality becomes an illusion.”

“They say love is blind, but sometimes it’s just twisted.” “The most dangerous villains are the ones who appear harmless and innocent.”

“We are all a little twisted, but it’s what makes us unique.”

“The night is darkest just before the dawn, but who says the dawn will bring light?”

“Sometimes the monsters we fear are the ones that lurk inside us.” GIRLISH DIARY QUOTES IN HINDI AND ENGLISH

“In chaos, we find our true selves.”

“The shadow knows more about you than you do.”

“In the game of life, you either play or become twisted by it.”

“Behind every smile is a twisted secret.”

“Let your scars be the evidences of your twisted journey.”

“Truth and lies are just different shades of the same twisted reality.”

“Fear is the greatest weapon, and you can either be the victim or the wielder.”

“The world is a puzzle, and we’re all just twisted pieces trying to find our place.”

“Success is often born out of twisted desires and relentless determination.”

“Beware of those who offer you a twisted path to enlightenment.”

“In the twisted dance of fate, only the strongest survive.”