“If you don’t drink, smoke, or drive a car, you’re a tax evader.”

“Every night, I have to run the gamut of emotions. I’m either high or bummed out.”

“The whole idea of being a rock star is to get the attention of women, to get laid more often.”

“I think alcohol is the biggest evil in the world. It destroys lives. It’s a killer.”

“I think the key to happiness is having a bad memory.”

“I never wanted to be a rock star. I just wanted to make music.”

“I’ve always been a rebel. I’ve always gone against the grain.”

“I’m a self-made man. I’ve always done things my way.”

“I’m here for a good time, not a long time.”

“I don’t believe in regrets. I believe in making mistakes and learning from them.”

“You can’t change the past. You can only learn from it.”

“I’ve never been one to hold grudges. I believe in forgiveness.”

“Life is too short to be negative. You have to focus on the positive.” KANYE WEST GUITAR QUOTE

“Music is the universal language. It brings people together like nothing else.”

“I’ve always been a thrill-seeker. I love to push the limits.”

“I’ve never been one to shy away from controversy. I think that’s important for any artist.”

“I believe in freedom. Freedom to do whatever you want, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else.”

“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a lot of fun.”

“I’m not the kind of guy who needs a lot of material possessions. I’m happy with the simple things.”

“I think music should be fun. It’s not about being serious all the time.”

“I believe in living in the moment. You never know what tomorrow will bring.”

“I’ve always believed in hard work. Nothing comes easy in life.”

“I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of success in my career, but I don’t take it for granted.”

“I think the most important thing in life is to be happy. Everything else comes second.”