“Help ever, hurt never.”

“Be kind and compassionate to all creatures, including human beings.”

“Do good and be good.”

“Serve all, love all.”

“Love is the strongest force in the universe.”

“The greatest wealth is contentment.”

“All religions lead to the same goal, but the paths are different.”

“Let us live happily without causing harm to anyone.”

“You are a child of God, and He loves you immensely.” “The true purpose of life is to seek God and merge in His love.”

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

“The heart of man is the temple of God.”

“The past is gone, the future is not yet here, we only have the present.” FRIENDS SPECIAL QUOTES IN HINDI AND ENGLISH

“God is not interested in your money, He wants your love and devotion.”

“Do not be afraid, I am with you always.”

“Do not hate anyone, nor hate anything in this world.”

“Accept whatever comes to you, and make the best use of it.”

“God is not a concept, God is a reality, an experience.”

“Meditate on God and you will find peace and joy.”

“Be humble and kind, and you will win the hearts of many.”

“Without faith, there is no bliss, no peace, and no contentment.”

“Take the first step in faith, and God will provide the rest.”

“Do not judge anyone, for you do not know their journey.”

“Be still and know that I am God.”