“In the city of Ember, the sky was always dark.”
“There was only one road out of Ember, and it was always open.”
“The people of Ember had been living underground for so many generations that they had no idea what lay above.”
“The city of Ember was like a great, gray stone in the middle of a river, heavy and unmoving.”
“The darkness of Ember surrounded us like a heavy cloak, never letting go.”
“In Ember, everything was controlled, everything was monitored, everything was regulated.”
“The streets of Ember were narrow and winding, like a maze that never ended.”
“In Ember, the only light came from the streetlights that flickered and buzzed in the darkness.”
“The people of Ember lived in fear of the darkness, of the unknown, of what lay beyond their city walls.”
“The city of Ember was like a box, sealed tight and suffocating.”
“In Ember, the only sounds were the hum of the generators and the occasional clatter of footsteps on the stone streets.”
“In the city of Ember, hope was a rare and fragile thing, like a candle in the wind.”
“The people of Ember had forgotten what it was like to see the sun, to feel its warmth on their faces.” RH SIN QUOTES
“In Ember, the only way out was through the darkness, through the unknown.”
“The city of Ember was a place of secrets, of lies, of hidden truths waiting to be discovered.”
“In Ember, the walls were closing in, the darkness pressing down like a heavy weight.”
“The people of Ember had been living in darkness for so long that they had forgotten what it was like to see the light.”
“In Ember, the only way to survive was to keep moving, to keep searching for answers in the darkness.”
“The city of Ember was a place of secrets, of mysteries waiting to be unravelled.”
“In Ember, the only way to find the truth was to venture into the unknown, to face the darkness head-on.”
“The people of Ember lived in a world of shadows, of echoes, of half-truths and half-lies.”
“In the city of Ember, the past was a mystery, the present a struggle, and the future uncertain.”
“The people of Ember were like ghosts, haunting the shadows of their own city.”
“In Ember, the only way to escape was to find the light, to follow it wherever it may lead.”