“Parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse that can have long-lasting effects on the child and the targeted parent.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is the ultimate betrayal of a child’s love for a parent.” – Unknown
“Children need both parents to thrive and be emotionally healthy. Alienating one parent from their life can have detrimental effects on their well-being.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is a growing epidemic that must be recognized and addressed to protect children’s emotional well-being.” – Unknown
“Alienating a parent from a child’s life can create deep-rooted psychological issues that can be carried into adulthood.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is a form of psychological manipulation that harms both the child and the targeted parent.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation teaches children to hate, fear, and reject a parent they once loved unconditionally.” – Unknown
“The scars of parental alienation can last a lifetime, affecting future relationships and trust.” – Unknown
“No child should be forced to choose sides in a divorce. Parental alienation causes unnecessary emotional pain and confusion.” – Unknown “Parental alienation is a silent killer of parent-child relationships, tearing families apart in the process.” – Unknown
“The effects of parental alienation are long-lasting and often leave the targeted parent feeling hopeless and devastated.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is not only damaging to the targeted parent but also denies the child the opportunity to have a healthy relationship with both parents.” – Unknown
“Children who are alienated from a parent may experience intense feelings of guilt, loyalty conflicts, and a loss of identity.” – Unknown 6 MONTHS BABY GIRL QUOTES
“Parental alienation hurts everyone involved – the child, the targeted parent, and even the alienating parent.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse that can have severe consequences on a child’s mental health and overall well-being.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation robs children of their childhood and replaces it with confusion, anger, and sadness.” – Unknown
“The manipulation and brainwashing involved in parental alienation is a form of emotional torture for both the child and the targeted parent.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is a toxic cycle that perpetuates feelings of anger, resentment, and division within a family.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is the weaponization of a child’s love for a parent, causing irreparable damage to their relationship.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation erodes the natural bond between a child and their parent, replacing it with animosity and distrust.” – Unknown
“It is essential to recognize parental alienation as a serious problem and provide support to affected families to help heal the damage caused.” – Unknown
“A child should never be used as a pawn in a divorce, as it can lead to long-term emotional scars caused by parental alienation.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is a form of emotional violence that often goes unnoticed, leaving the targeted parent to suffer in silence.” – Unknown
“Parental alienation is an injustice to both children and parents, denying them the right to a loving and healthy relationship.” – Unknown