“तृष्णाया खलु पुंसाम निराशा साधु गुणः।”
(Desire is the root of all suffering, contentment is a great virtue.)
“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।”
(You have the right to perform your actions, but you are not entitled to the fruits of the actions.)
“उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः।”
(Success comes through effort, not wishes.)
“अहिंसा परमो धर्मः।”
(Non-violence is the highest virtue.)
“सत्यं वद। धर्मं चर।”
(Speak the truth, practice righteousness.)
“जीवनं नाम खेलेन जीवितं नहि खेलाय।”
(Life is not a game, it is meant to be lived.)
“उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत।”
(Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.)
“न संगर्षेण शक्यं सललितुं नो कुसलेन।”
(Nothing is impossible with effort and skill.)
“यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः।”
(Where there is righteousness, there is victory.)
“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।”
(You have the right to perform your actions, but you are not entitled to the fruits of the actions.)
“सहायो नास्ति सुखाय।”
(There is no friend like happiness.)
“सर्वं परित्यज्य यः को धनेये सर्वजनेय।”
(Let go of everything, for who can ever truly possess everything.)
“समत्वं योग उच्यते।” QUOTES BY DOLORES HUERTA
(Equanimity is yoga.)
“स्वतंत्रस्तु सुखम न त्वंत्रस्तु दुःखमेव वा।”
(True freedom is not in being independent, but in being free from suffering.)
“समं प्रणंति सर्वात्मानं।”
(They bow to the one Supreme Self within all.)
“सत्यं वद। धर्मं चर।”
(Speak the truth, practice righteousness.)
“स्वाध्याय परमो धर्मः।”
(Self-study is the highest virtue.)
“विद्या धनं सर्वं।”
(Knowledge is the true wealth.)
“श्रेयसेऽध्येने प्रेयसो विजिज्ञासितम्।”
(Seek the good, not the pleasurable.)
“यतो हि निजः प्रियो भृत्यः भवति।”
(Where one’s own self becomes dear to oneself.)
“अहिंसा परमो धर्मः।”
(Non-violence is the highest virtue.)
“उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः।”
(Success comes through effort, not wishes.)
“अन्यथा शिथिलीकृत्य दुर्मर्षः पुरुषः क्षिपेत्।”
(A man should not be careless and negligent, for that leads to destruction.)
“सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं ब्रूयात् न ब्रूयात् सत्यं अप्रियम्।”
(Speak the truth, speak pleasantly, do not speak unpleasant truth.)