“If a woman can say no and mean it, a man can say Yes and mean it.”
“In the vast majority of cases, rape of a legitimate woman is a he said/she said, and the people who commit rape are usually frustrated. And this frustration results in identification between the two. The thing that makes rape frustrating is the feeling of inadequacy. You are no longer in control of your own life.”
“Rape used as an act of revenge is a cultural phenomenon, not a genetic one.”
“There is no such thing as a ‘real rape.’ A ‘real rape’ is when a woman says ‘no’ and means ‘no,’ and the man forces himself on her. Anything else is just bad sex.”
“It takes two to tango. If a woman is just as responsible as the man for her own rape does that make the man a victim too?”
“Rape is a crime that is more about humiliation than sex. It’s about power, control and violence.”
“Rape is a choice made by the rapist, not the victim. It is an act of violence, not desire.”
“Rape is a terrible crime, but it’s not the same as the other crimes people commit. It’s much worse because it’s a personal violation that can never be undone.”
“It is never the victim’s fault when they are raped. We need to stop blaming the victim and start holding the rapist accountable.”
“Rape is a crime of violence, not sex. It is about power and control, not desire or attraction.”
“Rape is a serious crime that shatters lives and destroys trust. It is never the victim’s fault.”
“Rape is a violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul. It is a crime that leaves lasting scars and should never be taken lightly.”
“Rape is a vile and despicable act that should never be excused or minimized. It is a crime that demands justice and accountability.” ANIMAL FARM SNOWBALL QUOTES
“Rape is an egregious violation of a person’s rights and dignity. It is a heinous crime that should never be tolerated or excused.”
“Rape is a horrific crime that leaves lasting trauma and pain. It is never the victim’s fault and should never be minimized or excused.”
“Rape is a crime that should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is a violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul that should never be tolerated or excused.”
“Rape is a serious crime that destroys lives and should never be taken lightly. It is a violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul that demands justice and accountability.”
“Rape is a vile and despicable act that should never be excused or minimized. It is a crime that leaves lasting scars and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.”
“Rape is a heinous crime that should never be tolerated or excused. It is a violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul that leaves lasting trauma and pain.”
“Rape is a crime that demands justice and accountability. It is a violation of a person’s rights and dignity that should never be taken lightly or minimized.”
“Rape is a horrific crime that destroys lives and leaves lasting trauma. It is a violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul that should never be excused or tolerated.”
“Rape is a serious crime that should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It is a violation of a person’s rights and dignity that should never be excused or minimized.”
“Rape is an egregious violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul. It is a heinous crime that leaves lasting trauma and should never be tolerated or excused.”
“Rape is a vile and despicable act that should never be excused or minimized. It is a crime that demands justice and accountability. It is a violation of a person’s body, mind, and soul that should never be taken lightly.”