“The only alternative to the current population explosion is massive death.”

“The most important thing about a man is what he believes in the depth of his being.”

“The most important aspect of freedom of speech is freedom to learn.”

“Nothing fails like success because we don’t learn from it. We only learn from failure.”

“If the human race survives, future men will, I suspect, look back on our enlightened epoch as a veritable age of Darkness.”

“The potential for a sustainable future depends on our capability to utilize knowledge and technology wisely.”

“One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated.”

“The future will resemble the past only to the extent that we fail to mobilize the potentials of human nature.”

“To be alive at all involves some risk.” “A dream, like a prospect, is a view from a distance with the eyes of the mind.”

“The social processes by which society changes are driven primarily by the imagination of human beings.”

“The most important thing about a person is always his hope.”

“A stable population does not need a large investment in children, nor does it need high population growth.” CINEPHILE QUOTES

“The real wealth of a nation lies in its knowledge, skills, and education, rather than in its monetary assets.”

“The modern concern about the environment represents a recognition of the deep interdependence between people and the natural world.”

“The human brain is far too good at doing things it wasn’t designed for.”

“The Earth is a finite place with a finite set of resources, and we have to learn to live within those limits.”

“The most important aspect of the technological revolution is not the machines, but the way that people interact with them.”

“The greatest source of conflict in the world today is not religious or political differences, but scarcity of resources.”

“We must never forget that our primary responsibility is to future generations.”

“The most important function of education is to teach people how to think, not what to think.”

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world it leaves to its children.”

“To change the world, we must first change ourselves.”

“We need to think beyond our own time and place, and consider the impact of our actions on future generations.”