“I’ve never seen a single wrestling angle or situation that couldn’t be improved by having fewer people involved.”
“Wrestling needs characters, not just athletes in spandex.”
“If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, no one else will either.”
“Wrestling is like any form of entertainment – it’s all about storytelling.”
“The best wrestling heels are the ones that make you genuinely despise them.”
“If you’re not getting a reaction from the fans, you’re wasting your time.”
“Promos should make you want to buy a ticket to see the match.”
“Wrestling should always be believable, even if it’s scripted.”
“It’s not about the moves, it’s about the emotions behind them.” “Fans want to suspend their disbelief and get lost in the story.”
“Protect the business, protect the illusion.”
“Wrestling should be a blend of sport and entertainment.”
“You have to make the audience care about the characters.” DISAPPOINTMENT UNSUPPORTIVE FAMILY QUOTES
“The art of wrestling is in making people forget that it’s scripted.”
“Good wrestling doesn’t need to rely on shock value or obscenities.”
“Wrestling is best when it’s unpredictable and surprises the audience.”
“Long-term storytelling is essential in wrestling.”
“The best wrestlers are the ones that connect with the audience on a personal level.”
“It’s not about how many stars you get from critics, it’s about how many tickets you sell.”
“Wrestling is a performance art, not a competitive sport.”
“Psychology is just as important as physicality in wrestling.”
“Wrestling is at its best when it feels like a real fight.”
“Every match should have a clear purpose and build towards something.”
“Wrestling is a form of escapism, and it should transport the audience to another world.”